Resources for English Language Learners
Quizlet Sets for Learning English
- Quizlet Vocabulary: Study vocabulary by level and topic using sets designed by LTC.
Find a topic that you are interested in. Think about or discuss the questions at the top of the set. Study the set using 'Flashcards.' Put a 'star' on the ones you are not sure about. Study everyday for a 15-20 min using the different Quizlet games. Discuss the questions with other friends and try to use the words! Do a topic a week! - Quizlet Grammar: Choose the grammar area that you need to work on with LTC grammar sets on Quizlet.
Study the set for 10 minutes a day. Change the example sentences a little bit so that they are about your life. Or make crazy sentences. Try to use the grammar in conversation or in your writing.
- Grammar Quizzes: Huge free collection of exercises and explanations organized by grammar point.
- English Grammar Profile. Lists all of the grammar points with examples of actual student speech, corrections, and links to theCEFR levels. You look up different grammar points by selecting the 'Supercategory' or 'Subcategory.'
- Grammaring A site for reading about, learning, and practicing grammar
- One Stop Grammar Reference This is another free reference with explanations of grammar points and teaching suggestions.
- Longman Dictionary This is a free online learner dictionary. That means that the defining vocabulary is limited to about 2000 words.
- Cambridge Dictionary Another free online learner dictionary.
- Vocabulary Size. Offers a free test to determine approximately how many words you know.
- Academic Word List. Has free exercises for students using the 570 most common words in academic English across disciplines.
- Corpus of American English. (COCA) Lets you search words and collocates to see how they are actually used.
- Newsela. Has newspaper articles that can be adapted to different levels by choosing the lexile level on the right. Hint: Sign up as a parent to get access to the articles and you have minimal information that you need to put in.
- News in Levels. This website is updated regularly and has short articles at 3 different levels.
- Breaking News English has short articles at different levels. The articles tend to be a bit more 'timeless.'
- English Central has short videos for students to practice their listening. There are also vocabulary and pronunciation exercises that students can do.
- Elllo has many different listenings and exercises at different levels.
- Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Cafe has many listenings and exercises at different levels
- Voice of America Special English. Students can listen to new stories at a slower pace while reading along.
- English Pronunciation Practice has many exercises for students ranging from minimal pairs to longer utterances.